Romance – I wish! (Humor)

(This story was first published in ‘Romance’ Flash fiction anthology Oct 2019) Romance – I wish. How did romance pass me by? Eighty-one, and never received a red rose, a box of chocolates, a valentines card. No-one came to serenade me. The only time I’ve been swept off my feet was when I fell inContinue reading “Romance – I wish! (Humor)”

Window to the world (Humor)

(This story first appeared ‘Guilty Pleasures’ anthology 2019, published by ‘Things in the well.’) Businessman Tim fell in love with the ridiculously cheap high-rise apartment at first sight. His lawyer warned that the price reflected some mistake regarding the darkened windows. Tim wasn’t interested in views, so he didn’t care. Those windows provided safety; afterContinue reading “Window to the world (Humor)”